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High Power Waterproof Mobile Phone Jammer

Posted on 15th Jan 2016 @ 9:52 AM

The waterproof mobile phone jammer is powerful in jamming 2G and 3G signals.Different with other inside using signal jammer,the one can be used outside with the waterproof outer casing design.

120W High Power Waterproof 2G 3G Mobile Phone Jammer

The 120W High power waterproof 2G 3G mobile phone Jammer is professional and exclusive mobile phones ,not other signals. It is a new security product for personal ,commercial organizations,prisons,military and so on. Forming a protection zone in a given area by its special signal, it is the way to block the relation between cell phones and base stations. Cell phones in the area are stop working provisionally.Infiltrators can’t transfer data by cell phone or any other spy products using so that can keep the safety of information.Cell phones which work via CDMA(851MHz-894MHz),GSM(925MHz-960MHz),DCS(1805MHz-1880MHz),PCS(1930MHz-1990MHz),all be jammed by the device.Such as ,using of military,It is no problem for the waterproof mobile phone jammer to work in outside.With a waterproof outer casing, we can mount the waterproof blockers in some place where are in needing freely.

To reach the goal of keeping long time working,the device was designed with built-in ALC automatic protection circuit and cooling fans --- that makes the waterproof mobile phone jammer  keep working 24/7 continuously, to provide a good air condition for the device,avoids too high temperature inside.

Covering range of the mobile phone jammer is up to 100 meters with 120w output power.If you are in need of jamming 2g 3g signals,the waterproof signal jammer is a good choice for you ,but if you need more functions,such as ,jamming 4g ,wifi GPS signals and so on ,please chat with us,you will be recommended the suitable one.