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Professional 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer

Posted on 8th Jan 2016 @ 9:44 AM

4G signals ,includes 4G LTE and 4G Wimax,together with 2G and 3G signals now are widely used in smart phones technology.And the model JFC-021-0050,15W High Power 6 Antenna Adjustable 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer,we are talking today is a professional mobile phone jammer those places where mobile phones are not allowed.

15W High Power 6 Antenna Adjustable 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer

In fact ,so many places are not welcome mobile phone due to the require of industrial safe,such as business meeting rooms,storehouse of inflammable and explosive materials and gas ,oil station.You know ,there are always some warning words to remind us ,no phone calls.So ,why we can’t make and receive calls within the area of those places ?

Take gas or oil station as example.When car stops and get ready to be fed up with gas in station ,we always remember to put out the cigarette but still keep chatting via phone.Gas molecular diffuses during the process of refueling,density around the car is enlarged in a short time.We know mobile phones are not blast-proof ,and use high frequency to ensure the high definition signal.When the high strength cell phone signal meets computer equipment ,what will happen?A explosion.Because it just needs a low current to burn gas ,electrostatic current in the working state of cell phone can reach the point.Especially in raining day and foggy day,bad ventilation,will improve the explosive possibility.By the way ,a research by Dr.Glenn Ziggy from University of Oklahoma,shows us ,calling at the gas station can not cause fire and explosion.

With the professional mobile phone jammer,all signals of CDMA(851MHz-894MHz),GSM(925MHz-960MHz),DCS(1805MHZ-1880MHz,PCS(1930MHz-1990MHz),3G(2110MHz-2185MHz),4G (LTE)725-785MHZ4G (Wimax)2300-2410MHZ are jammed by the device.It means ,NO mobile phone using here so that to keep all far away from bombs.