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Posted on 11th Dec 2015 @ 9:45 AM
The multifunctional signal blocker can help customers in blocking mobile phone ,Bluetooth and RF signals.So,if you are currently looking for one for all of these,it may be the one.
Mobilephonesignals-CDMA(851MHz-894MHz),GSM(925MHz-960MHz),DCS(1805MHz-1880MHz),PCS(1930MHz-1990MHz), 3G(2110MHz-2185MHz),means 2G 3G signals are covered by the multifuntional signal blocker.You can block 2G mobile phone,or 3G,or 2G and 3G at the same time.Note,the device is not for 4G signal,so before buying,you should read details and specification clearly or inquiry to our online servers.
If you do not allow WiFi and Bluetooth in your zone,on,please turn on the corresponding buttons.
Signals of 2.4G (2400MHZ-2500MHz) that cover in your zone will be blocked by the multifuctional signal blocker.So,mobile device,such as tablet PC,phone,iPad,iPod,can not work via WiFi and Bluetooth.
And RF signals,such as car electronic key,drones,toys air-condition and other controlled by RF 315 MHz and 433 MHz , can not get rid of the miltifunctional signal blocker.For blocking car electronic key,when the device works,up to 40meters’ range cars can’t lock if they want to lock after the device worked.And about drones,If we don’t wanna a drone fly around us -- it may drop (that is not impossible),and we hate the noisy, worry there is a camera or GPS fixed inside...A remote control blocker will help us to deal with all the problems.Like Wi-Fi, drones use radio waves to operate, as well as GPS signals. A signal blcoker can emit radio frequency waves that prevent devices within its range from establishing and maintaining connections.