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Posted on 20th Nov 2015 @ 9:45 AM
The portable mobile phone blocker is able to block signals of CDMA GSM (850 - 960 MHz),DCS PCS (1805 -1990 MHz),3G (2100 - 2170 MHz),4G LTE (725 - 770 MHz) ,4G Wimax (2345 - 2400 MHz or 2620 - 2690 MHz),WiFi (2400 - 2500 MHz).It means the device can block 2G 3G 4G smart phones ,including WiFi and Bluetooth functions.
Capacity of built-in battery is 4000 mA to stand by working of the mobile phone blocker for a long time . So that we can take it out and make it work outside,to block targets according to our orders : block some guys’ boring calls when we are sitting and enjoying movies in cinema;grab a bite to eat in a restaurant...Sometimes we go into a restaurant and wan to enjoy a meal or coffee and quietly read ,but someone always talk really loud on mobile phones,we are forced to listen their boring content.So , in a up to 20 meters’ jamming area,all mobile phones will be kept quiet,no ringing ,no message ,even no GPRS. What’s more is the signal jammer can jam all functions that run with the measures of WiFi and Bluetooth,no wireless network searching,no data transmission. As there are different frequencies ,the mobile phone blocker has specific to one by one and ensure most of cell phones jammed .
The device comes with 6 powerful antennas and 3W outputs.Also, users will be worry free of the uplinks with all TX frequency covered down link only. It won't interfere with uplink station signal either.It won't interfere with uplink station signal either.The mobile phone blocker is designed for person,it is mobile,portable,optional and also powerful.