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Waterproof High Power Jammer Blocker 250W for Military use

Posted on 15th Jun 2015 @ 10:02 AM

Information safety is seriously required in military bases,including arms and ammunition,resource allocation ,strategical planning and new weapons development.But with the development of wireless communication technology, there comes a series of serious problems of divulging secrets, especial in cell phone using ,spy communication products. Visitors may take photos from military base and transmit to outside,Infiltrators take GPS tracker and mark the locations to expose their position info ,or break the code by WIFI signal using.

Waterproof 250W High Power OEM Jammer with Omni-directional Antennas

So our high power jammer was invented to deal with the problems on above. It is a new security product. Forming a protection net in a given area by its special signal, it is the way to block the relation between cell phones and base stations. Cell phones in the area are stop working provisionally.Infiltrators can’t transfer data by cell phone or any other spy products using so that can keep the safety of information.And about WIFI,no problem to jam. Besides, it also bans GPS satellite tracking.infiltrators want to send the info of location coordinates to their headquarters to achieve targets ,how we shall do? Let’s make the high power jammer work to against that .It will stop GPS tracker to receive the signal from satellite,there will form an isolation between GPS tracker and satellite.Here are working scope of the jammer blcoker,CDMA 800: 850 to 894MHz,GSM 900: 925 to 960MHz,DCS1800: 1805 to 1,880MHz,PCS1900: 1920 to 1,990MHz (PCS),3G: 2110 to 2170MHz,WiFi: 2400 to 2500MHz,GPSL1:1570-1580MHz,4GLTE: 700-800MHz,4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz,CDMA450: 450-470MHz

We know the area of military base is huge ,may not covered by building in the whole.It is no problem for the waterproof blocker to work in outside,it comes with a waterproof case design.So we can mount the waterproof blockers in some place where are in needing.

By the way ,the Jammer blocker also can be used in factories,companies ,school, governments, meeting room and so on.If you want to protect your secret,you can buy one for your house .But please kindly note that, the product aims to protect privacy of users, should not be used for the criminal activities. So, please make sure your activities allowed by laws, otherwise, we won’t be responsible for your all unlawful act.