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Warning! People depend too much on cell phones

Posted on 4th Aug 2024 @ 1:20 PM

You know one of Hokin’s prophecies? According to Hokin’s saying, AI technology does make life easier in its early stages, but machines will likely redesign themselves at an ever-accelerating rate. Humans, constrained by the speed of biological evolution, could not compete with it and were eventually overtaken. In the course of his speech, Hokin reiterated that the rise of artificial intelligence is either the best or the worst of humanity. He believes that human beings need to be alert to the threat of the development of artificial intelligence. Because artificial intelligence, once freed from its shackles, redesigns itself at an ever-accelerating rate, human beings will be unable to compete with it and will be replaced by it due to the limitations of long-term biological evolution. Take the smart phone for example. Warning! People depend too much on cell phones. To avoid the bad effects of the cell phone, we should take use of the cell phone jammer in our daily life. More and more people choose to install one jammer kit for a better lifestyle. Do not let the Hokin’s saying to be true. 
The world’s technology has witnessed unprecedented boom in recent years. And graduallyvarious typesofcell phones have got into human’s life. Peopletoday depend too much on technology. 
To beginwith, more and more people, especially the young generation, are allying into some anxiety because of the dependency on cell phones. For example, many people feel uncomfortable in absence of their smart phones. What’s worse, some researches have found thatmany people tend to be anxious of being out of mobile phone contact, which called Homophobia.
Secondly, people nowadays are losing some of their abilities. Some chatting software like QQ which install on the cell phones has brought great convenience to communication between human. However, since the cell phone has brought some problems. Since many people use these kinds of products with cell phone more frequently, some people start to lose their skills of talking with others face to face.
Furthermore, the young generation is becoming the generation of Phupper, which refers to the peoplewho always stick their eyes on their phones without talking to their families. Cell phones has caused some bad effects to some extent. 
This is why we have widely produced mobile phone jammer products for many good usages. Welcome here www.jammerfromchina.com and look for the right style of phone jammer kit.